Terms and conditions design

Terms and Conditions design: Which one is better?

Design 3 januari 2023 #16
There are endless possibilities to format your terms and conditions design. As a designer, it is sometimes difficult to decide; which design is actually better? Designs can sometimes be very similar but the impact how a user views and use them can be very different.

Terms and Conditions

To begin with, let’s briefly go over the definition of a terms and conditions agreement. Also referred to as terms of service or terms of use, this agreement acts as a legal contract that specifies the rules that users must follow when utilizing a website or application.

The objective of this agreement is to safeguard both the website or app owners and users, while guaranteeing that the website or app provides the desired experience. In the absence of a terms of service page, a website lacks legal protection for its ownership rights over its content, such as designs and articles.

Terms and Conditions design

Which terms and conditions design do you prefer? There’s no wrong answer, but Design B is used more often!
Option A shows the terms and condiotions but does not force the user to actually read them. By pressing the ”create account” button, the user agrees to the rules.
Option B displays a checkbox for the terms and conditions. The user is triggered to read these rules and is more aware that they are actually agreeing to the terms and conditions.

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