Forms public roadmap
Frequently asked questions
How does Kyano Forms roadmap works?
Forms public roadmap is here to inform you about all our newest updates, upcoming features, things we are currently working on, and features we are considering for the future.
There are several columns in our public roadmap. Here’s what they mean:
Planning: Features/improvements that were highly requested by Forms members and that made it into our official plans for this year.
Backlog: Features/improvements that have been partially/fully discussed or defined by our team.
To Do: Features/improvements that have been fully defined, and voted as ‘high impact’ both by Forms members and the team.
In progress: Features/improvements that we are currently working on.
Released: Features/improvements that have been fully tested and are live.
How often do you update your roadmap?
We are updating the public roadmap once or twice a month.
When do you announce new updates?
We announce updates at the beginning of each month for the previous month.
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